About Us
Our Story
Welcome to Rutgers Phi Chi Theta!
We are a unique business fraternity composed of three pillars—fraternity, professionalism, and service. Our values encompass growth, bonding, and most importantly, success.
Our Fraternity

Phi Chi Theta is a National coeducational Professional Fraternity in Business and Economics. Phi Chi Theta was founded on June 16, 1924 in Chicago, Illinois. The founders were six women from two of the competing business fraternities, Phi Theta Kappa and Phi Kappa Epsilon. These women joined forces to form an organization whose PURPOSE is:
"To promote the cause of higher business education and training for all individuals, to foster high ideals for everyone pursuing a career in business; to encourage fraternity and cooperation among people preparing for such careers; and to stimulate the spirit of sacrifice and unselfish devotion to the attainment of such ends."
Mission Statement
Be it known that the mission of Phi Chi Theta, a national professional fraternity, is to: Provide an opportunity to develop and practice those professional leadership skills and abilities necessary to succeed in the business community; Provide a local and national network to share resources, ideas and concepts; Instill in its membership those values, codes and creeds which will enable participation in a rapidly changing world: and Enable members to develop the business astuteness necessary to achieve high esteem and success in their chosen fields.
Us Today
Today, the Phi Chi Theta National Chapter is comprised of 41 Collegiate and Alumni Chapters. Phi Chi Theta has over 23,000 members across the country. The National Chapter is the governing body of Phi Chi Theta and consists of the duly elected National Officers and National Delegates. The National Officers are deemed the Executive Council, and have the authority to administer the affairs of the Fraternity during the interim between Biennial National Chapter Meetings. Phi Chi Theta is a member of and affiliated with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Professional Fraternity Association (PFA), and the Professional Fraternity Executive Association (PFEA).

What We Offer
Being a member of Phi Chi Theta opens the doors to many opportunities that may be beneficial in many areas. Phi Chi Theta is proud of its many scholarships and awards that help ease the financial burdens of college. Members of Phi Chi Theta have access to a nationwide network of members and resources.
Our members are successfully able to
- Create years of memories
- Meet new people
- Create lasting connections
- Get academic help and tutoring
- Get access to a strong alumni network
- Develop professionally
- Give back to the community
- Participate in nationally sponsored professional events
- Brotherhood trips throughout the year beyond Rutgers University!
At the cornerstone of our organization is the Phi Chi Theta Scholarship Program.In partnership with the Phi Chi Theta Educational Foundation we award scholarships to members of Phi Chi Theta who exemplify scholastic achievement, leadership and commitment to the ideals of the organization – characteristics of a business leader. The scholarships that are available to our members include the:
Anna E. Hall Memorial Scholarship
Helen D. Snow Memorial Scholarship
Naomi L. Satterfield Memorial Scholarship
Irene M. Meyer Memorial Scholarship
Trustees' Scholarship

Fraternity Policies
The Fraternity will take responsible and good faith measures to assure that our members abide by the law and policy and that our actions reflect in a positive way on ourselves and on Phi Chi Theta.
Social Events
The possession, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, while at any Fraternity event, whether local, regional or national in scope; or in any situation sponsored or endorsed by any collegiate or alumni chapter of the Fraternity, or at any event an observer would associate with the Fraternity is prohibited.
No alcoholic beverages may be purchased using chapter or Fraternity funds nor may the purchase of alcoholic beverages for members or guests be undertaken by anyone in the name of or on behalf of Phi Chi Theta.
No chapter, student (pledge or member), alumnus or graduate shall conduct nor condone hazing activities.
Hazing activities are defined as:
Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, or unintentionally whether on or off Fraternity premises, to produce or cause mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks.